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Writer's pictureChristine Grimm

I Can’t Meditate! Simple Techniques to Quiet Your Mind

Simple Techniques to Quiet Your Mind

Trying to quiet an overactive mind can seem like a Herculean task if you don’t know how to go about it.  Nevertheless, this is a worthy pursuit because a calm and quiet mind helps you focus and stay present.  This will decrease stress, help you make better decisions, and help you connect with people in more meaningful and productive ways. 

1.    Reflection

This takes about 10 minutes max.  I recommend you do it three times a day.  Morning, noonish, and right when you are ending your “work”/activity for that day.  Take 3 deep breaths in and out, and then think about what you have just experienced.  Attempt to be neutral like you are the narrator of the story, not a character in the story.  Reflection is the process of becoming the witness of your most recent experiences and circumstances.  Make notes if you want about what went well and what you wish would be different.  That is it.  The goal of reflective journaling or note-taking isn’t to wallow in the past or stay attached to problematic situations.  Instead, make a note of it in a balanced way, and move on. When you make this a habit, you can free your mind so that you can move forward to the next moment, meeting, or interaction without the baggage.    

2.    Brain Dump

There’s always so much to do in our lives—chores, deadlines, bills, commitments—the list never ends. Complete two tasks, and four more appear like you’ve just chopped off one of the Hydra’s heads, and two more have taken its place.

How can one make sense of this never-ending chaos?

  • Write it all down: Tasks, thoughts, and emotions. The goal is to take out whatever is cluttering your mind and put it down on paper. The more you write, the better.

  • Make a list of the tasks/chores that need to be done. Then, do them and strike them off one by one.

This brain dump approach works for two reasons—it gives you an outlet to release your pent-up stress, and it gives you clarity on exactly what needs to be done. When everything is floating around your head, it just seems like a lot more to do, and your mind never gets a break.

3.    Stretching

Practice stretching exercises throughout the day. This will help release tension in the body. Pay special attention to your shoulders, neck, back, hip flexors, and hamstrings. When you stretch your body, your muscles will relax. Your entire body will feel ‘lighter’ and not as tight. Your mind will automatically calm down because your entire being is not as taut.

4.    Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing is a technique where you pay attention to your breaths, feel the air being inhaled and exhaled, and observe the expansion and contraction of your lungs. Breathe naturally and focus on your breathing, being aware of how your body moves. This will help you quiet your mind as you only focus on your breathing.

These techniques are extremely effective for quieting your mind. You don’t need to use all of them. Just using one or two methods might be enough to achieve your goal of reducing mental stress and an overactive mind.

A calm and quiet mind is the gateway to a more balanced and productive life. By practicing self-reflection, brain dumping, stretching, and mindful breathing, you can transform your mental state and enhance your overall well-being. Start implementing these techniques today and experience the difference.

Join me for Deep Work Fast on Tuesday at 3:00 PM PT LIVE on Facebook and LinkedIn to learn more strategies for quieting your mind and achieving mental clarity.


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