Check yourself! How many of these beliefs do you hold as truth?
To follow are some more common limiting beliefs that hold people back from success, happiness, and fulfillment:
I’m not smart enough
I'm not successful enough
I'm not pretty enough
My brother/sister is the smart/pretty/intelligent/lovable one
I’m not the kind of person who’d do well in ____________
I should stick to ________ because I can’t handle _____
Money is difficult to earn
I never earn enough money
I can’t make a lot of money
I can’t save money
I can’t afford a ___________
My partners are always unfaithful to me because ___________
I am not lovable so I’d better ___________
Everyone is manipulative and untrustworthy
I can’t do this because of _______________
I’m always treated badly, and nobody respects me
I shouldn’t ask for what I want because I always get rejected
Life is meaningless and is always going to be like this
I can’t lose weight because _____________
Change is hard